Wednesday 22 October 2008


1) Boil the kettle and pour the water into a teapot.
2) Swirl the water around the pot to warm it and then pour it out.
3) Add loose tea leaves to the pot while you reboil the kettle.
4) Add water to the pot and allow it to brew for several minutes while you place a tea cosy on the pot to keep it warm.
5) Place a tea strainer over the top of the cup and pour the tea in.
6) Guests are invited to add milk and sugar to their individual tastes, unless they are female in which case they are only permitted one sugar lump. Any more would be vulgar.
7) The teapot ought to be large enough to contain enough tea so as to fill the cup of every guest without emptying. If this is the case, the tea cosy is replaced after everyone has been served. If not, get a bigger teapot for your tea guzzling friends.

Alternatively just use a fucking bag. Then a tea bag.

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